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Osteoarthritis, Gout & Uric acid


What do being overweight, obesity, insulin resistance, diabetes, fatty liver disease, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, stroke, neurological disorders, joint pain with inflammation and premature death have in common? According to best-selling author of Grain Brain and the LUV diet, Dr David Perlmutter, a neurologist, all can be stoked by high uric acid levels.

Uric acid has traditionally been thought of as only to do with gout however recently a lot more has come to light. First though consider how gout starts and progresses:

Gout progresses through four clinical phases:

  1. Asymptomatic (no symptoms) hyperuricemia (higher than normal Uric acid in the blood). This can be tested for with a pin-prick blood test; we offer this test on request during a consultation at Freedom Healthcare and your GP can send you for a Uric acid blood test.
  2. Acute gouty arthritis,
  3. Inter-critical gout (intervals between acute attacks) and
  4. Chronic tophaceous gout. Demonstration of intra-articular monosodium urate crystals is necessary to establish a definitive diagnosis of gouty arthritis.



In recent years stage 1, asymptomatic hyperuricemia has also been shown to accelerate osteoarthritis which affects 70% of adults in the UK.

Osteoarthritis may begin with physical damage, for example a fall, whiplash, and sports injuries. Once joint damage has been sustained chemical changes begin in the joint which cause inflammation. Uric acid makes the process progress more rapidly.

Natural Ways to Reduce Uric Acid in the Body

  1. Limit purine-rich foods see list below.
  2. Avoid sugar, high glycaemic foods, see below.
  3. High fructose corn syrup is the worst sugar of and is in processed foods listed usually only as “sugar”. Avoid processed foods generally.
  4. Avoid alcohol especially beer, except that red wine helps some people, especially women.
  5. Lose weight, aim for your ideal weight, or lose 5% total to start with.
  6. Balance insulin for sugar control.
  7. Blood test your glucose, insulin and HbA1C (diabetes test) levels.
  8. Coffee lowers uric acid especially in men.
  9. Green tea also helps. E.g., Clipper green tea. Matcha tea.
  10. Add fibre – e.g., gluten free Oats, oat bran, gf whole grains, vegetables like broccoli, pumpkin seeds (ground) and celery.
  11. Avoid tomatoes (Deadly nightshade family foods are an independent risk factor for arthritis containing solanine which probably effects 50% of us so either test it or if you have arthritis avoid tomatoes, potatoes, aubergines, and peppers for 6 months and monitor your health.
  12. Reduce stress, try mindfulness exercises, seek help if you need it.
  13. Eat several squares of dark chocolate – 70% cocoa or more contains theobromine.
  14. Eat cucumber, cherries, and berries.
  15. Most vegetables are OK for Uric acid and red cabbage is great but avoid cauliflower, spinach, and asparagus.
  16. Supplement Cytoplan Cherry C 200mg twice daily.
  17. Wild or less sweet types are best.
  18. Water – drink 8 glasses a day of filtered water
  19. Eat Gluten free or at least wheat free to start with as recommended by “Grain Brain” and “Drop acid” author David Perlmutter MD. “Drop acid” has recipes geared to lowering uric acid and a whole book on this subject.
  20. Lemon juice may help balance uric acid levels because it helps make the body more alkaline.
  21. Eggs are a good protein source for people with gout, because eggs are naturally low in purines. Organic of course : )
  22. Avoid processed foods often containing colourings, flavourings, additives, added vegetable oils, added sugar.
  23. Eat Quercetin found naturally in the onion family, BioCare sell quercetin complex a concentrated supplement.
  24. Dairy is good – unless you are sensitive. Yoghurt and Feta are best. Goat and sheep’s dairy preferred.
  25. Legumes, soya included are good for most people with pre-gout. Fermented soya products are best like Tempeh and Miso
  26. Sleep 7 hours every night
  27. Exercise – walking or anything you enjoy 30 minutes or more a day
  28. Time restricted eating. TRE. This means simply not having breakfast. So, let’s say you finish supper at 8pm and do not nibble after that, do not eat before 8am next day is good but gradually extend to 12 noon as you feel comfortable.
  29. Ensure you do not have candida excess.


Limit or avoid these purine-rich foods until symptoms are clear but see below regarding Candida and fungi elimination.

  • wild game, such as deer (venison)
  • beef, lamb, and pork
  • trout, tuna, haddock, sardines, anchovies, mussels, and herring.
  • organ meats, for example, liver and sweetbreads.


Limit or exclude foods with a high glycaemic index including

  • white bread, wholemeal bread
  • pasta
  • white rice
  • Any sugar sources

Carbohydrate control

Keep your carbs to a maximum of 1g per kg of your own desired weight. Overweight people should try limiting to 45 grams a day until their ideal weight and or BMI are achieved. Ask for help if you need it. Try the LUV diet in the book Drop Acid – below.

You tube

David Perlmutter the author of Drop Acid has a You tube channel and website – see:

Lots of good interviews/ videos on this site.

BookDrop acid: The Surprising New Science of Uric Acid – The Key to Losing Weight, Controlling Blood Sugar, and Achieving Extraordinary Health by Dr David Perlmutter

Also, Metabolical by Robert Lustig MD is very good.

THE LUV DIET by Dr David Perlmutter

Also, this book by the leading Uric acid researcher,

Nature wants us to be Fat.
By Dr Richard Johnson.

Arthritis is not an inevitable part of aging. You might have to change how you eat to stop it. Consider how little time we as a species have had a modern diet. 10,000 years ago, there were no grains or dairy products. We were Hunter gatherers eating similarly to the great apes today meaning mostly vegetables with occasional animal products. It wasn’t all meat. The modern move towards whole foods mostly plant-based eating is healthy. Try it and you will reach your health potential.



Fungus produces uric acid in the body; uric acid is a fungal metabolite. High uric acid is a measurement of fungal dissemination and is predictive of inflammation. Taking an antifungal will therefore probably quickly reduce uric acid levels. Gout is also a fungal disease. Fungus thrives on carbs and sugars, those with gout often eat high carbs and sugars, or at least more than they can handle. The Mediterranean diet is a good general way of eating that suits most people. Get tested for candida if you have arthritis.