HAYWARDS HEATH 01444 416911

MLS Laser Therapy
“I badly damaged my knee while running over rocks. I tripped and fell heavily. After 16 months of treatments I was researching surgical options. 50 treatments from every colleague I knew had failed to allow me to get back to running marathons. I’d received treatments from chiropractors, osteopaths, kinesiologists, physiotherapists and spent thousands on injections; everything helped but nothing got me back to full fitness. I took up a two-week free trial with the ASA MLS laser system and in that time regained my normal range of motion and reduced pain massively. After 12 sessions I completed two half trail marathons inside a month with no painful after effects. That is why we now offer MLS laser therapy at Freedom Healthcare”.
Steve Rudd, clinic director
We are pleased to offer MLS laser therapy as a stand-alone treatment or to complement your chiropractic care or sports massage.
How does it work?
Laser therapy involves directing laser light energy into inflamed or damaged tissues to reduce pain and swelling and accelerate the body’s natural healing process. Particularly useful to enhance treatment of problems like arthritis, back and neck pain, plantar fasciitis and sports injuries.
The laser is placed over the skin to enable light photons to penetrate the tissue and interact with molecules within the cells to cause several biochemical effects.
Treatment following a sprained ankle

Treatment for acute mid-back pain

What to expect:
After a full clinical assessment of your condition, we will tailor make a treatment protocol just for you provided laser theapy is suitable for your condition.
The number of sessions you will require will depend on your condition – this will be discussed in your initial appointment, most people notice an instant benefit but require 6-12 sessions for sustained benefit. The initial 6 sessions work best delivered twice per week. Acute sports injuries may improve with more intense treatment, longstanding problems can be treated weekly.
Treatments are safe and painless. Each area takes about 10 minutes to treat. We may use two lasers together to treat two areas simultaneously, for example if you had low back pain and knee pain these could be treated at the same time, speeding up your treatment time. For chronic conditions it may take longer for you to feel the effects, but the cellular benefits are immediate!
Laser has the following effects
Inhibits the sensory nerve impulses associated with pain
Decreases inflammatory cells
Relaxes muscle spasm
Increases vascular supply and restores normal blood flow
Provides energy for the cells within the tissue allowing them to repair
May be useful for the following conditions:
Muscle spasm and pain
Sprains & strains
Back pain
Hip pain
Knee pain
Haematoma and oedema
Wound healing may be facilitated using laser therapy.
Jane had a non-diabetic open wound on her leg that was painful and had been present for 6 months. 6 treatments over 6 weeks with the MLS laser and the wound had healed nicely, no dressing required. For us to treat a wound you will need a dressing that you can remove and replace yourself after treatment. Results will vary. We will discuss treatment outcomes with you at your initial consultation and treatment.

We have had some success using laser therapy to remove chronic veruccas. It is not effective for everyone but may be worth a try with veruccas that have not responded to anything else. The man below had veruccas for a decade. He was referred by his podiatrist. 6 sesssions over 6 weeks had the following effect. His podiatrist says that they are gone.

Clinical Evidence Summary for MLS® Laser Therapy within Energy For Health Journal

*Please note there are some contraindications to the use of laser which include: pregnancy, pacemaker, over active growth plates in children, epilepsy and active cancer. There are also some restrictions in use and relative contraindications in patients who are taking anti-coagulants or are diabetic. For recent trauma including bruising it is advised to wait 48 hours after the event before commencing laser therapy. This is one of the reasons your practitioner will ask you to complete a detailed medical history prior to commencing treatment.
Information above kindly provided by
Research supporting the use of LLLT/ laser to enhance wound healing.