Anxiety: Self-Help for Panic Attack
£3.96 from the Amazon Kindle store Click here to purchase
‘Anxiety Disorder, Self-help for Panic Attack workbook for panic attacks’ offers practical help for individuals who suffer with panic disorder. The easy to follow worksheets show how to relax quickly and change unhelpful thoughts to helpful, leading to transformed behaviour where there is no place for any anxiety ‘attack’. This book gives key answers to the major questions of ‘What is an anxiety attack? Why does it occur? How can I make sure I don’t have another?’ Simple ways of overcoming stressful panic attacks are effectively communicated for the reader and the case studies show how this anxiety disorder affects people from all walks of life. Dr Betty Rudd also offers a few personal, uplifting anecdotes. This is a powerfully supportive and transformational book!
This is the 4th of 7 Kindle e-books in the anxiety self-help series.