Spine Facts
- The spine is made up of 33 vertebrae.
- More than 13 million neurons are found in the spine.
- Adults only have 26 vertebrae because bones fuse together as we age.
- There are 220 ligaments in the spine.
- There are 7 vertebrae in the necks of humans and giraffes.
- The spine has over 120 muscles.
- There are 5 spinal cord regions:
- 7 cervical vertebrae
- 12 thoracic vertebrae
- 5 lumbar
- sacrum fused vertebrae
- 4 coccyx fused vertebrae
- The spine has over 100 joints
- The 4 coccyx vertebrae fuse together to form the tail bone
- The average weight of the spinal cord is 35 grams
- The spine has 3 important functions:
- movement of the trunk
- support for the body and respiratory function
- protect the spinal cord & nerve structures
- Primary motions of the spine:
- flexion (forward)
- extension ((backward)
- bending (left & right)
- rotation (central axis)
We recommend everyone has a spinal check sometime in their lives.